Wednesday, 2 September 2009

I returned recently from teaching a workshop at ISSP a photography summer school in Latvia.

This is its fourth year. I can't praise enough the dedication and commitment of the people behind the organization, who are : Baiba Tetere, Jūlija Berkoviča, Arnis Āboliņš, Egils Grasmanis, thanks for finding me!
Other tutors were Eiko Grimberg (Germany), Mehmet Kismet (Turkey), Peeter Linnap (Estonia) Iveta Vaivode (Latvia) & Alexander Gronsky (Russia).
I knew Mehmet from Turkey, but it was great to meet with another group of photographers whose work I was unfamiliar with.
From top to bottom Peeter Linnap, Alexander Gronsky, Iveta Vaivode, Eiko Grimbergand Mehmet Kismet. ( all images copyrighted to the artists)
I'll be posting some images from some of the participants in the coming days.

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